High School Guidance


Contact the Guidence office at guidance@kingsschool.info


SENIORS: Whether you plan to attend college or trade school, join the armed services, or work it is most important to have a plan for your first year out of high school.

 *Stay focused and finish well!  Remember that every grade point counts, right down to your final Regent’s exam.

 * Fall is your last chance to register to take the SAT or ACT exams (for colleges to receive your scores in consideration of acceptance to their school) at www.collegeboard.org or www.actstudent.org.

 * Finalize your college selections by November and apply to the colleges of your choice. Check all application and scholarship deadlines - make sure to meet the deadlines!

 * Are you having difficulty deciding to which colleges you’ll apply? Choose your top three: 1) a local college 2) a "practical" (financially feasible) college and 3) one "dream" college.

 * Ask teachers or mentors for letters of recommendation. We have forms in the office. Be sure to give at least 3 weeks notice to your teachers or mentors. 

 * Fill out a transcript request form (also available in the office) to send your grades to colleges to which you are applying.  Forms require a MINIMUM 3 week notice in writing to the main office at the King’s School.

 *Apply for Scholarships  at Cappex, Scholarships.com, Scholarshippoints.com, Fastweb, and Chegg.

 * Go online to www.fafsa.gov to begin your federal financial aid application . This can be started online and sent in as early as October 1st.  When you are finished applying for federal financial aid go online to www.hesc.ny.gov  and apply for New York state’s Tuition Assistance Program. TAP is available to New York state graduates who are attending public or private colleges within the state of New York.     

 JUNIORS:  This is your most challenging academic year. Make sure you’re working hard to maintain or improve your GPA right through final exams and Regent’s exams.

 * Meet with your guidance counselor at the beginning of the year to make sure your high school courses meet the requirements for graduation. Discuss and plan your Senior year course requirements and options.

 * Register to take the PSAT: Given at The King’s School in October of the Junior year with registration via The King’s School. The cost is about $15 per student. This test can be a good indicator of your strengths and weaknesses in your math, writing and critical reading skills.

 * Register to take the SAT or the ACT at the end of the Junior year at www.collegeboard.org or www.actstudent.org. Students who prepare ahead have better scores, take the FREE practice tests offered on their websites.


If you are wondering if you are ready for college level courses, if you are planning on attending a 4-year college, and/or if you would like to be eligible for scholarships you need to take at least one SAT or ACT exam.                                                                                     

The SAT and ACT exams test your subject knowledge gained during high school as well as determining the likelihood of success in college.                                                                   

What are the differences between the SAT and ACT?                                                             

The SAT exam is heavy on advanced algebra, but lighter on geometry and trigonometry. Some questions are fill in the blank.  The reading questions require higher level thinking. There is no science component.  The essay on the SAT asks for your commentary on a piece of source text focusing on literary analysis.

The ACT exam has a science component, has less algebra, and permits the usage of a calculator throughout the math portion. The reading questions are straightforward.  There is always a choice of answers -with no fill in the blank questions. The ACT essay asks for your opinion on a topic rather than analyzing a piece of literature.

Why take the SAT or ACT with the writing/ essay section?                                                                 

Many four-year colleges require the writing/essay portion and some colleges use the writing/ essay portion to determine which borderline students will be accepted into their schools.

 * Throughout your Junior year research college websites and visit campuses at college/tech/trade schools you are interested in. If you are interested in joining the armed services, contact recruiters and take your ASVAB test.  

 * Begin researching scholarships you may be eligible to receive at www.scholarships.com or www.fastweb.com

 * Review your career and personality tests and re-take if needed.  Free online personality tests:  www.humanmetrics.com  www.16personalities.com


SOPHOMORES: Start thinking about post high school plans: Is college for you? Trade or Technical School? Is joining the armed services for you?

 * Choose courses that challenge you.  Remember every grade matters.

 * Your teachers want you to succeed. Ask for extra help when needed.

 * This is a great time to take career or personality/spiritual gifts assessment tests. These may help to confirm what you already know or may offer you new paths to consider.  Free online personality tests at: www.humanmetrics.com and www.16personalities.com

 * Prepare for the PSAT coming up in the fall of your Junior year  You may also sign-up to take the PSAT in fall of this year just for practice.

 * Meet with your guidance counselor now to discuss and plan your Junior year course requirements and options.

 * Summers count! Plan ahead for your summer job, a missions trip, an internship  or perhaps a summer enrichment program at a local college.


FRESHMEN: Build strong study habits and learn to manage your time wisely.

 * Do well academically! Every grade point you receive from now on establishes your Grade Point Average or GPA. Every point matters, so do your best.

 * Build relationships with your teachers and counselors, this will help when you need character references for job or college applications.

 * Take elective courses and get involved in extracurricular activities such as 21st Century, Photography, Art, Worship Team, Drama, Sports, Clubs, etc.

 * Make your summers count. Working and/or volunteering is good for you and it lets your future employers and/or college recruiters know you are determined and community minded.

 * Begin thinking about the subjects that interest you. Talk with your parents and teachers about how that interest could translate into a career: Love science? Maybe medicine or engineering is for you. Love English? Maybe teaching or editing would be fun. Love art? Maybe fashion design or photography is for you.

 * Meet with your guidance counselor to discuss and plan your Sophomore year course requirements and options.