The King's School's Stand Against Racism

To Our Families and Friends,

The King’s School holds to Biblical guidance that is very clearly against racism: that we cannot say we love God while hating any person (1 John 4:20); that all of humanity is made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-28); that Christ died to save all people from every nation (John 3:16); that all people have the same opportunity to be a part of the family of God (Galatians 3:28); that all Christians are called to stand against oppression and injustice (Isaiah 58:6); and that we are to be characterized by our love for others (John 13:35).

We acknowledge that racism exists in our institutions, our churches, and even our school. Racism is a sin and, as with all sins, we are committed to the hard work of repenting from it, overcoming it, and battling it, wherever we find it, even in our own hearts.

In light of recent racist events and a long history of racism in our nation, we ask that we all take the time to listen, to seek God’s Word and His wisdom, to examine our hearts, and to stand for what is right. We can do this in love towards others, without condoning the destruction of property, but affirming that people’s lives are always more valuable than things or possessions.

We expect our students and staff to engage with each other on social media with grace, humility, and love.

The King’s School is not only against racism, but is for Godly change. We strive to address racism with our students, preparing them to be true Christian leaders who will speak for what is right with dignity and humility. We understand that some racism is obvious, but more subtle expressions of systemic racism also exist. We understand that we are all in need of God’s grace and of His hand at work in our lives to change wrong thinking.

The King’s School is grieved by the pain and division in our nation and we are praying for an outpouring of God’s Spirit to eradicate racism in all its forms and to bring healing and redemption to us all.

The School Management Team