Posted: 5/13/2021 - 2 min

Cliff Taylor was a K-12 student at The King’s School and graduated valedictorian in 2013. After exploring some different areas of study at SUNY Adirondack, Cliff chose to contribute to and help his family run their local business. During this season, Cliff married Jacquelyn Staples (another King’s alumni!) and they started their life together as Cliff continued learning about business operations and gaining valuable life experience. After a few years, Cliff felt lead to continue his college education in the field of business finance at the community college. Ultimately, Cliff and Jacquelyn moved to Virginia as he was accepted into the Financial Planning program at Liberty University. Cliff is excited to be a new graduate of LU (May 2021) and has accepted a position with an investment advisor company in Tennessee where he will be growing as a representative of the firm, as well as preparing for some additional licensure exams.